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"Please accept this email as a token of my appreciation in support of the high end digitally printed and bound report this week.In reviewing our archives this project is arguably the most important and high profile job that the business has undertaken, which would not have been a success had in not been for the CM team. The support during the sales engagement, through production and on to delivery has been of the highest level. Put simply a massive thank you and it is great to be working with such an awesome team and please thank the extended CM team as well. "
"We would like to thank you for producing the A3 lift decals for our recent campaigns. The decals were not only easily installed but also easily removed from the internal lift walls. Needless to say these formed an integral part of our in-centre promotional marketing, capturing the attention of all customers utilising the centre lifts."
"We have used Cheque-Mates for overflow work on a number of occasions. We have established a comfortable working relationship and Cheque-Mates have never let us down….we have even recommended them to other mail houses that have come to us looking to outsource their overflow work."
"The Cheque-Mates team has been providing us with excellent quality service, fast turnaround times and always happy to accommodate request even at the last minute. They are a much valued partner in our busy industry."
"Our industry is crowded with people who make wild claims about what they can do – we’ve found that only Cheque-Mates actually does the job, quietly and efficiently week after week."
"An absolute pleasure to deal with Rodney & his team. Over the short period (12 months) dealing with them they have actively helped increase Sales for 2 of my major clients (one of them by about 50%) & I haven’t yet scratched the surface. Timely response, forward thinking company with a great solutions mentality & Hassle Free production, I cannot recommend highly enough."
"I just wanted to thank all at Cheque-Mates printing for their valuable service as a supplier to us. The service provided is generally greater than expected and has remained professional and proactive over the time I have been dealing with them. Many an improvement has been made to our business as well as fostering a greater relationship between the two companies and my clients expectations."
"I would like to say that Cheque-Mates have the mindset that "nothing is impossible" and that they will complete a job (be it laser, inkjet, mail process, shrink wrap or handline) within tight timeframes. Nothing is a problem and nothing is too hard for them. They process our jobs quickly with professionalism and a sense of urgency and are quick to react to any problems that may arise, alert us and offer a solution. All the staff at Cheque-Mates are a pleasure to deal with."
"Cheque-Mates provide a fast, efficient service and always provide advice on how best to execute a job to fulfill style and budget requirements. The team at Cheque-Mates are always willing to provide assistance whether it is attending meetings with clients to further explain applications or information and advice on emerging technologies"
"I would like to say a very big thank you to the whole team at Cheque-Mates for the massive effort put in on our client's current promotion which launches this Monday. Jobs arrived this afternoon, a day early! It’s very much appreciated. A great service and commitment."


Note: The contact details for these testimonials can be supplied to genuine potential customers on request. Please call (02) 9743 9547 for details.

"I would like to say a very big thank you to the whole team at Cheque-Mates for the massive effort put in on our client's current promotion which launches this Monday. Jobs arrived this afternoon, a day early! It’s very much appreciated. A great service and commitment."



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula blandit sapien quis aliquet. Nam placerat porta orci nec suscipit. Vestibulum eget diam odio. Mauris risus libero, vestibulum sed iaculis in, viverra ac nibh. Suspendisse lectus leo, sollicitudin vitae rhoncus vel, consequat scelerisque dolor. Curabitur ut nisi dui. Vivamus ipsum sem, molestie eget placerat tempus, consequat ac mi. Suspendisse potenti. Integer sed mi tortor. Sed id imperdiet leo. Suspendisse elementum, leo vel placerat auctor, enim sapien laoreet dolor, a auctor lectus urna quis ligula. Mauris non massa dolor, id sollicitudin massa. Vestibulum malesuada, eros sed semper vehicula, lectus libero congue nibh, cursus egestas arcu arcu semper purus. Ut vestibulum odio dignissim risus mollis fringilla. Vestibulum et ligula vestibulum sem consequat iaculis et nec risus. Nulla facilisi. Nullam massa quam, mattis ac iaculis vitae, bibendum ac sapien. Aliquam ac tortor id elit feugiat facilisis sed sed tellus.

Etiam consectetur ipsum mattis diam interdum at mollis nulla tempor. Nullam condimentum luctus libero pulvinar lobortis. Proin lorem sapien, fringilla eget eleifend et, faucibus sit amet lorem. Morbi tortor dui, gravida in consequat ut, tempor quis massa. Suspendisse et porttitor orci. Phasellus sit amet diam nunc. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse sed sapien risus. Morbi id arcu ante, at vulputate lectus. Praesent aliquet rutrum arcu aliquam ornare. Etiam nec sem ante, id mollis sem. Mauris eget felis dolor, sed fermentum eros.

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Application afterLoad: 0.000 seconds, 0.39 MB
Application afterInitialise: 0.029 seconds, 4.37 MB
Application afterRoute: 0.058 seconds, 6.85 MB
Application afterDispatch: 0.106 seconds, 9.01 MB
Application afterRender: 0.143 seconds, 10.75 MB

Memory Usage


22 queries logged

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  21. SELECT a.*,  CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, a.alias) ELSE END AS slug, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, cc.alias) ELSE END AS catslug
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  22. SELECT a.*,  CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, a.alias) ELSE END AS slug, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":",, cc.alias) ELSE END AS catslug
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      LIMIT 0, 50

0 legacy queries logged

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    Untranslated Strings Diagnostic


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